Mar 23, 2015

TSPRA Conference

Members of the CFISD communication team are recognized at the TSPRA conference on Feb. 25, 2015, including (L-R, back) Mitzi Loera, Gary Durrenberger, Leslie Francis, Rosario Meehan, Stephanie Migl, Stephen Biller and (L-R, front) John Taylor, Kim Foster, Nicole Ray and Joel Weckerly.  
CFISD staff from the communication, community engagement and community programs departments attended the annual Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) conference in San Antonio Feb. 24-26. Conference attendees were able to participate in learning sessions covering a variety of topics directly impacting their field of work. Districts from across the state submit publications, photographs and video productions from the previous year to be judged by panels of experienced Texas public school employees. On the last night of the conference, an award ceremony is held recognizing submissions that were selected for awards.

Representatives from CFISD received a total of 28 awards during this year's ceremony. Gary Durrenberger, CFISD photographer, received his fourth Best in Class award for sports action photograph Missed It By That Much. For its work on the 2014 $1.2 billion Bond referendum, the entire communication team received a Crystal Award. The communication department was responsible for providing information to the community through print, internet and video during the months leading up to the Bond Election in May 2014.

Edit 3/24/15: The original post incorrectly had the number of awards at 24. This has been updated to the correct number.  

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