Students in Dennis Strang’s class at Hopper MS enjoy new landscapes with Mattel View-Masters that turn an ASUS smartphone into a virtual field trip through Google Expeditions. |
Less than a month after making their first stop in CFISD at Woodard ES, Google for Education representatives introduced the Expeditions Pioneer Program to students at Hopper MS on Oct. 26.
The engaging virtual field trip program provided kits consisting of ASUS smartphones, a tablet for the teacher to direct the tour, a router and Google Cardboard viewers or Mattel View-Masters that turn phones into virtual reality headsets.
Hopper teacher Dennis Strang uses a tablet to facilitate a Google Expedition virtual field trip with his students. |
As the students tried out the new learning tool, comments such as “How can I make this?,” “I never knew that a teepee was so big inside!” or “I feel like I’m really in the rainforest!” could be heard throughout the room.
Hopper MS teacher Adrian Mouton displays what he sees on a tablet as students use Google Cardboard viewers to participate in Google Expeditions. |
“Today was about more than introducing students to a new technology tool or teaching content; it was about inspiring students to look at their world in new ways and to realize that they can be creators of technology, not just consumers,” said Mary Patterson, Hopper science campus content instructional specialist (CCIS).
Hopper MS students use Google Cardboard to go on a Google Expedition virtual field trip on Oct. 26. |
ayyy wazzam thas me in da pic yooo