If you've visited the ISC lately you may have noticed a few decorative stones spread around the campus. Rose Dudley from School Improvement and Accountability began the campaign and we asked her a few questions to learn what her motivation was.
What made you start the #CFISDrocks movement?
Honestly, there have been so many upsetting events taking place in the world lately and as an alumna of Santa Fe HS, that shooting hit close to home as one of my sisters and one of my great nieces were at the school that day. They are physically okay but we never know when the last time will be that we can hug our loved ones. So why not spread some CFISD spirit and make others feel good.
When did it start and how long have people been sharing and finding the rocks?
I have been planning this (in my head) for some time. After getting the approval, I sent an email out to our team mid-October explaining the purpose and that I would provide and have everything set up through the end of October for them to stop by at their convenience and paint a rock or two.
How many rocks did you paint?
I am not sure how many I personally painted but our group painted at least 30. Some were given to specific individuals because of the message.
Was it something you saw from someone else or online?

Do you have background in art and crafting?
I have always loved crafting. It all started when I was growing up and mom taught me and my sisters to crochet; we made some fabulous purses with fringe! From there my ideas kept growing and led to sewing, drawing and painting, building things with wood, wood burning, making jewelry, cookie decorating. I never know what my next project might entail but being a life-long learner, it is just a matter of time.
What do you hope people can gain from finding a colorful stone?
When life gets hard, remember we do not have to carry our burdens alone. Do not forget kindness is free to give and so easily forgotten.
Maybe something as simple as a painted rock will remind them they are loved and they matter.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your colorful rocks/stones?
I hope others will continue to share the rocks and inspire others to carry on this trend and maybe spread throughout the district.
So, if you find a painted rock, whether at ISC, in the community, or on vacation take a picture to share on social media, re-hide it so we can see how far the rocks travel. Keep rockin!
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