Apr 10, 2017

Customer Service Tip of the Week: Developing world class service

Every organization, big or small, needs to understand the full implication of customer service and service delivery. Every employee plays a significant role in the process of your organization becoming a “world class” organization.
Customer service attitudes begin at the top. Upper level management sets the tone for the organization. If the boss doesn’t embrace customer service, why will the staff? All employees must be on board. Every employee must realize that their understanding and acceptance of “world class” thinking is critical to the success of the organization.
Putting together a customer service program for any organization requires a comprehensive commitment. An overnight fix, although wishful in its thinking, is impossible as well as impractical to achieve. Is their a process to help you become “world class”? A first step in the process is determining what your customers want.
In order to determine what they want, its imperative to start with analyzing successes and challenges in delivering current customer service. By reviewing current levels of customer satisfaction you can capture the volume and nature of each to ensure a focus on critical aspects first. An additional component is involving your staff in the ongoing development of the training. By surveying them as well as customers, a focus on their needs and their ideas can and should be selectively incorporated into the developed instruction.

Originally published by Brad Domitrovich on przealot.com

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