Aug 21, 2017

Latori Williams's experience as an ISTE 2017 presenter

I am truly grateful for being granted the opportunity to speak at the International Society for Technology in Education Conference (ISTE), at the Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio, TX, on behalf of The IXL Learning Co. When approached regarding the speaking engagement, I immediately researched ISTE’s standards for school administrators, instructional coaches, teachers and students to ensure that the organization’s beliefs were aligned with mine. 

After exploring ISTE’s website for numerous hours, I learned the following: administrators were charged with supporting digital age learning, creating technology-rich learning environments and leading the transformation of the educational landscape; instructional coaches were accountable for inspiring and participating in the implementation of shared visions and bridging the gap from where schools are to where they need to be; the teachers’ responsibility was to design, implement and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning and if all stakeholders work together, students will be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape. Upon completion of my research, I was extremely excited and eager to write my presentation proposal because I believed in what the organization represented.

Given four months to submit my proposal, I was elated to later receive an acceptance letter requesting my presence at the 2017 ISTE Conference. My presentation title was Differentiating Instruction using IXL Learning and I expressed the importance of meeting the diverse needs of all students through designing personalized learning experiences using technology. Personalized instruction is not equivalent to students on computers for numerous hours engaged by a technology software or educational website. Personalized instruction entails the teacher’s ability to manage students’ progress at various levels, ensuring that the technology time is relevant, authentic and aligned with the curriculum. 

I’m reminded of a quote by Tony Robbins that states “Knowledge is NOT power. Knowing a concept is only POTENTIAL value. The EXECUTION of knowledge is where your power lies.” My belief is that personalized instruction allows our students to be executors of the knowledge introduced and retained. The opportunity to engage participants from various countries will forever be plastered in my memories!

Williams began her career as a special education resource teacher at Sheridan ES. After five years, she was selected with other educators to open Emery ES and later became a curriculum coach, where she currently serves 27 out of 56 CFISD elementary schools.  

1 comment:

  1. This young lady right here is a inspiration, as well as a blessing to the educational system. I really believe that schools around the world can really benefit and learn from her. She is really a true educator.
