Feb 13, 2017

Get Social Media Savvy: Linking your accounts

You all are busy. I get it. If we’re being honest, even the 5 minutes it takes to read this blog post could likely be devoted to other essential job tasks. One way to save you time while maintaining your social reach is to link your social media accounts together.

The “big three” I see most educators using to promote their schools/classrooms are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And our dear friend Instagram makes it easiest to intertwine all three.

To start, visit your profile menu by accessing your avatar on the lower-right-hand corner of the screen. Then access the gear icon from the top-right-hand corner. You should now be in the “Options” menu. Scroll down under the “Settings” sub-menu and choose “Linked Accounts.” Here’s where you can click on Twitter or Facebook, and it will ask you for permission to log into those accounts and grant Instagram access to share on them.

Keep in mind that the default will be for Facebook to share to your personal page. So if you’re managing a school page, be sure to click on the Facebook option, then “Share to,” and choose your page.

The cool think about sharing with Instagram is that every post isn’t automatically shared to all three. It will give you the option each time you are about to post an image if you want to include it on Facebook, Twitter and whatever other accounts you’ve linked. So you can pick and choose if one is not as pertinent to your intended audience.

Not on Instagram but still want to link Facebook and Twitter? No problem. First, decide which one you prefer to use more often. If you’re a more natural Facebook poster, go to facebook.com/twitter via a desktop (it seems easier). Make sure you’re logged into the account / page you want to post to, and Facebook will walk you through the process.

If you’re more of a Tweeter and want those to go to your Facebook page, visit your settings menu by clicking your small avatar on the top-right-hand side of the desktop and following the drop-down menu. Scroll down to “Apps” on the left-hand menu and click that. Then click “Connect to Facebook” and follow the log-in prompts.

Social media is a great tool because it can be a big timesaver in the way it quickly distributes information. If you put in a little extra time up front to link your accounts, you can reach all your different audiences each time you push a button.

Have any more tips you think would be helpful? Hit me up!

~ @CyFairJoel

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