The Office of Professional Learning oversees a comprehensive online portal, the Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS) that provides a platform where all the pieces of professional development can connect under one roof. Through the CFPGS, employees can link to My Learning, a platform for managing professional development needs and records. Users have access to numerous learning opportunities ranging from face-to-face collaborative meetings to online learning opportunities. Additionally, teachers can link to My Appraisal to access the various components of the district’s locally developed teacher appraisal process, the Cypress-Fairbanks Teacher Evaluation and Support System (CF-TESS).
Aug 20, 2020
A Shared Interest
The Curriculum Department supports instructional growth by providing a myriad of services to classroom teachers. Teachers are supported through Schoology Signature Lesson Plans, resources in the core content areas and enriched data analysis of benchmark and curriculum-based assessments. Additional resources and services include staff development opportunities relevant to the depth and rigor of the TEKS and STAAR assessments, focused share sessions, team planning assistance, model lesson presentations, and coaching support for new and novice teachers as well as for teams requesting or needing content and instructional assistance, keeping new and novice teachers linked in.
Building Better Relationships
The Student Services Department provides training and support to new teachers in the area of classroom management. A team of Classroom Management Consulting Teachers provide ongoing support to all campuses. This support includes offering a variety of staff development courses in classroom management, individual teacher observations with feedback and on-going mentoring. The department is also available to assist with student behavior issues.
Mentoring Matters
Research proves that when provided with the necessary support, learning opportunities and resources, novice teachers become highly effective educators that foster improved student achievement. The cornerstone of the program is that of mentoring. Each novice teacher is assigned a proven effective mentor that he or she will meet with on a regular basis. Collaboratively, the mentor and mentee will address best teaching practices, content understanding, campus and district policies and procedures, classroom management practices and emotional support.
Welcome New Staff!
"The teachers hired today are the teachers for the next generation. Their success will determine the success of an entire generation of students. Their success can be ensured by providing them with a comprehensive, coherent professional development program.
The ultimate purpose of any school is the success and achievement of its students. Therefore, any efforts that are made must improve student achievement. Improving student achievement boils down to the teacher. What the teacher knows and can do in the classroom is the most important factor resulting in student achievement. Effective teachers manage to produce better achievement."
~ Harry K. Wong,
Induction Programs That Keep New Teachers Teaching and
Aug 18, 2020
Opt in for emergency communication
During the last week, CFISD has sent out important communication via email and text message. If you did NOT receive text messages from 67587 asking you to check your email, you have not “opted in” to receive emergency text alerts from CFISD. It is important for the 2020-2021 school year that you receive communication by text messaging, as there may be times when email notification arrives outside of normal work hours.
Here are the
steps to make sure you receive all future emergency communication from the
school district:
- Step
1 of 2: Log in to and choose the “Employee Resources” icon. Then
choose the “Employee Access Center” icon and log in. Check to see if your
personal cell phone number is listed under “Information” in the “Personal
Cell Phone” field (see highlighted field in screenshot below). If it is
blank or incorrect, click “Update”, enter your cell number, and then
choose “Save”.
- Step
2 of 2: Text Y to 67587.
of these steps must be completed in order to receive emergency text
communication from CFISD.
Aug 11, 2020
Consejos para traductores
Un mejor español a tu alcance
¡Bienvenidos al nuevo año escolar 2020-2021 en
CFISD! Sabemos que será un año muy diferente debido al COVID-19, pero en la
adversidad debemos encontrar la oportunidad, en este caso, para trazarnos
nuevas metas y buscar nuevos incentivos que nos ayuden a seguir
desarrollándonos a nivel personal y profesional. Por lo tanto, queremos
comenzar este año compartiendo con ustedes algunas de las actividades que estamos
preparando y recordándoles los recursos que siempre están disponibles en el
intranet y la página web del distrito en español así como también en otras
páginas web:
Capacitación profesional:
Taller virtual en el semestre de otoño (fecha por definir)
Taller en el semestre de primavera (virtual o presencial por definir)
Recursos en Intranet y en la página web en español:
Página web en español: Información para padres y estudiantes, información acerca del distrito, comunicados de prensa y mucho más
Guía para traducciones en español: glosario actualizado de términos para traducciones en CFISD
Cartas de emergencia: cartas modelo en español para diferentes tipos de emergencias
Consejos para traductores: artículos publicados en boletines anteriores (Connection for Employees)
Presentaciones de talleres para traductores: archivo de años anteriores
Otros recursos en línea:
Lecturas y videos
The New York Times tiene una publicación en español llamada “El Times”, suscríbete para recibir el boletín gratuito.
TED ideas worth spreading es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la propagación de ideas. Son videos de conferencias que se realizan alrededor del mundo sobre una gran variedad de temas. Busca los videos que están en español o busca los que están en inglés y coloca los subtítulos en español.
Ahora más que nunca, nosotros, como personal
bilingüe del distrito seremos el puente fundamental entre la escuela y las
familias hispanohablantes de nuestra comunidad. Por esta razón, debemos
continuar esforzándonos para que nuestras comunicaciones sean claras y precisas.
Sígannos por Instagram, Facebook y Twitter @CFISDnoticias para estar al tanto y ayudarnos a compartir información en español acerca del distrito.
In Memory of Mike Ray
February 26th, 1959 – July 10th, 2020
Mike Ray, born February 26, 1959, a beloved part of the Jersey Village High School Falcon Family for 23 years, passed away on Friday, July 10, 2020 at the age of 61.
Mike graduated from Archer City High school in 1977. He played college basketball at Texas Wesleyan in Fort Worth, Texas and at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. Mike coached basketball for twenty-five years for several schools including Jersey Village High School; Coppell High School and Duncanville High School.
Mike is survived by his son Kyle Michael Ray of Houston, Texas and Traci Danene McCombs and her husband Adam Fisher McCombs of Stuttgart, Germany; two grandchildren Morgan Ray McCombs and Micah Fisher McCombs of Stuttgart, Germany as well as his brother Jeffery Wayne Ray and wife Ruth Ann Ray of Wichita Falls, Texas.
Mike Ray’s impact and influence will be everlasting. He was a mentor and friend to so many and he will be missed more than words can ever describe.