Jun 23, 2016

My Learning to be added to professional growth system

CFISD is pleased to announce the soon to be released My Learning powered by Truenorthlogic (TNL) adding to the suite of solutions housed within the Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS). On Monday, June 27My Learning will replace the current Cy-Fair Learning Management System (Avatar).
While My Learning has a different look, you will find comfort in a similar feel. Along with similar functionality, there are several enhancements that you will find convenient. One inviting feature enables participants and instructors to simplify attendance with the Truenorthlogic Mobile App. Using the camera on a smartphone or tablet, course participants and instructors can scan QR codes to register attendance.
Rest assured that any future class offerings for which you have registered will roll into the new system. Additionally, you will be able to access past professional development records as this information will transfer from Avatar to My Learning.
Beginning Friday, June 24, you can anticipate down time over the weekend as the district rolls to the new platform. Additionally, you can expect detailed user directions and subsequent video tutorials aimed at equipping you with directions for navigating My Learning.

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